Saturday, 2 September 2017

Billy No Mates

This should be a review of my studio guests' appearance on Friday night but the damned lightweight pulled out last minute so I was guestless. Charming, you invite a friend on air, he's all for it then lets you down claiming a dose of the squits. I won't embarrass the guy by naming him, let's just call him Ian for the sake of argument, no, we'll call him Mr Hastie, the chap who may or may not work up at Stonehaven Golf Club. If he thinks he's getting another invite he can think again, prime time radio shows wait for no man. Not to worry, my listeners were triumphantly spoiled with two hours of my musical choices instead, a blessing really since I play the best stuff on the radio, FACT.

The show got off to a scorcher with Depeche Mode's 'Behind The Wheel' before rattling through jangly guitar indie courtesy of The Wedding Present, Inspirals and Smiths. I love indie music with a passion, can't get enough of it, but threw in a contemporary chart effort from Matt Simons along the way. Top music kept coming while the show was punctuated with score updates from Scotland and England's international matches, both winning handsomely away from home.

Mearns FM broadcasts from a studio at the back of Stonehaven Town Hall which itself was hosting a musical through in the main hall, that Dolly Parton gig, 9-5. In a moment of fantasy I imagined Dolly rushing into the wrong room for a costume change and landing in my lap but careful what you wish for, she must be ninety six years old by now.

No guest booked yet for next week so if you fancy it let me know, unless your name's Hastie.