Saturday, 16 June 2018


Well that was an inspirational evening spent with Willie Tulloch on Friday past, even if it was serenaded by 80’s pap. Mearns FM broadcasts from the rear of Stonehaven Town Hall and the main room next door had an 80’s night booming guff through the walls. Not to worry, we trumped their ABBA with our Smiths and cranked up a relentless indie fest to drown them out. 

Willie and his mates set up an organisation called Strive earlier this year, this brainchild emanating from an afternoon watching the Scotland v New Zealand rugby match at Murrayfield in November. Scottish rugby legend Doddy Weir had been announced to the crowd that day and given he suffers with motor neurone disease (MND),  there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. This experience persuaded Willie to devise a way to help Doddy’s charity raise funds for the benefit of fellow sufferers so Strive was born, see see here for details. Hats off to Willie, such ideas often lose momentum by the time you wake up the next morning but he’s seen it through and to say it’s grown arms and legs is an understatement.

In double quick time a number of fund raising initiatives have been lined up, beginning with a five day bike ride in August, up and down Scotland. My eyes water at the prospect of a Stonehaven to Inverness cycle ride  (132 miles if you please) but many have signed up and will rendezvous in Inverness with riders also arriving from Orkney, they’ll then pedal in unison to Perth, Glasgow, The Borders and Edinburgh. A mini rugby tournament is planned, as is a charity ball and you get the feeling there’s more to come as Strive barrel themselves towards their aspirational £75,000 target. In very short order an idea has been hatched and is soon to be despatched, inspirational stuff and if you’d like to hear more you can access our radio chat here until Friday June 22nd, just choose Alex Russon - Stoney Baloney*.

*Apologies in advance for the dead air dithering. I’m a bumpkin when it comes to technology, hitting the wrong buttons regularly to deliver full on car crash radio as I search for tracks that have disappeared into black holes. If it’s any consolation, when these tunes do finally surface, you’ve got the following to look forward to in between Willie and I’s chuntering; Teenage Fanclub, Charlatans, Ride, Depeche Mode, Eels, Tom Petty, The Beat...and, as those ‘Now’ album covers used to declare, many, many more.

Friday, 8 June 2018

My Ear Candy #40 Amy Eley

I sauntered through two very pleasant studio hours with my old friend Amy Eley this weekend,  the perfect tonic to an otherwise difficult week. She’s easy company, her happy disposition settles your mind, reminding you the stuff of life you’ve allowed to cram your head isn’t that urgent a matter really. I’m indebted to you Amy for rounding off a rotten week with a relaxing evening.

Tonight the lessons of Amy’s past appearances were finally learned, guff like Status Quo cast asunder in favour of indie music worth its salt. Amy has become more accustomed to my tastes while not capitulating entirely to my oeuvre, so we enjoyed a list of perfectly listenable efforts, even the Travis one proving surprisingly adequate. The cookies went down well too,  not your routine ‘four for a quid’ packet from Tesco’s, but proper posh affairs from Marks & Spencer.  I really ought to have rolled out a red carpet.

We chatted about family holidays, outdoor concerts (gigs in modern parlance), impending weddings (hers’ not mine), rugby, man buns and swearing. We waffled, blethered and ruminated until Amy departed at 11pm to fetch her karaoke singing fiancĂ© out of an Aberdeen city centre boozer, I haven’t heard from her since so they’re possibly still crooning.

Amy’s selections 
1. Country House - Blur
2. Sledgehammer - Peter Gabriel
3 Selfish Jean - Travis
4. George Cinammon
5. I Need You Tonight - INXS