And it’s that cemetery where Douglas will find himself if he goes AWOL again, because that’s two weeks running he’s failed to turn up. His lack of commitment fair beggars belief, this being a doubles competition, the clue is in the title, but for a second time I had to shoulder the entire team effort singlehandedly. His excuse this week? A long weekend on the Isle of Lewis. Pathetic.
But on with the golf, and in a commendable effort to carry the burden alone, I mustered a creditable 74 in the company of Messrs Davie and Robertson in conditions better suited to Mark Spitz and Michael Phelps. It hosed down the whole way round and you had to feel sorry for the visitors playing behind us who clearly weren’t expecting rain and had dressed as if spending a Saturday night out on the pull. They manfully saw it through but departed the course looking like drowned rats and not having pulled anything except clubs from their bags.
My round opened with 7 straight pars but was knocked off course when feeling the pressure of the club captain’s presence. Kenny Duncan is a very affable chap and not prone, I believe, to bouts of anger, but when he politely called us through to hit our tee shots on the 7th and mine whistled past his nose, I did feel somewhat sheepish. Thereafter I felt obliged to reign my immense driving power in, feeling it’d be rude to send another tee shot in the vicinity of his person, and this stepping off of the gas contributed to a poorer next few holes which saw me collecting double bogeys like stamps. One of Kenny’s playing partners (I Wood) I believe had been watching my play and appeared intimidated by the quality of my golf, a cursory glance at his scoring later on verified this assumption. His surname may suggest golfing greatness, his scorecards do not.
I’ve now learned that it’s Rangers v Aberdeen on the telly this Sunday so the likelihood of my playing partner joining me for round 3 is remote. Once again it appears I’ll be carrying the team singlehandedly. That’s fine, I fully understand the importance of footballing rivalries and if Villa were playing Birmingham City I too would be absent. Thankfully that won’t be happening since the hapless Blues continue to hack around in the Championship while Villa are on the brink of topping the Premiership table this weekend with a win over Brighton, local derbies between us and them may never happen again unless we draw them in the cup.
Tight lines everybody, over and out from Mearns FM’s unofficial golfing duo. If you’re into your indie music and football chat, tune in on Mondays and Fridays 9-11pm 👍😎
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