Tuesday 6 June 2017

Monkeying Around

I ticked something off my bucket list last week, a little something I've always wanted to do but never had the chance. I know it's bound to be on your bucket list too but I'm afraid I've beaten you to it, yes,  I've achieved a three hour radio broadcast dedicated to Depeche Mode.

I've been obsessed with this band for three decades, ever since my mate at that time, Jason Waddleton, played me a song called 'Leave In Silence', a song which was reprehensibly described by Paul Weller as having less melody than the sound coming out of Kenny Wheeler's arsehole. Now you know why I never play The Jam on my show. Any road, despite the misgivings of Mr Weller, I've been hooked on Depeche Mode since then and decided the Mearns FM listenership required educating.

I was aided and abetted by my good friend Ian Monk who had kindly travelled from Redditch (nr Birmingham) to share his DM devotion with me. The whole show was a blast, encompassing b-sides, album tracks, remixes and live recordings that covered the band's back catalogue dating to their first single in 1981 'Dreaming Of Me'. We had folk listening in from across the globe, modern day media capabilities enabling online listeners to share our output wherever they were, and the request I put out for favourite b-side amassed 240 votes in no time. It ain't just me and Ian who's obsessed with the band. Things perhaps got a little bit anal in that we discussed the finer points of DM's career including Martin Gore recording 'Somebody' while stark naked, my only marrying my first wife because she'd kissed Dave Gahan at an album signing and the co-presenters squabbling over the best track off the album Music For The Masses, all rather unseemly. Nevertheless, our passion shone through, it was just a shame the  studio didn't have a webcam to show us dancing manically to Never Let Me Down Again. Second thoughts, it's not a shame at all.

We're considering another instalment in coming months, maybe stretching it to four hours since three was never enough. DM's discography merits it and I won't rest until the wider world has had the opportunity to share the wonder that is Depeche Mode. I've travelled to Hamburg to see them, queued for a day to meet them, been to four of their gigs in seven days, written a fanzine about them and plastered my walls with their album covers. I won't go into the lengths of Ian's devotion but I wouldn't be at all surprised if he had their faces tattooed on his intimate parts. I know I have.

Thanks to Ian for sharing a memorable show with me and to the hundreds who contributed. The following night 80,000 people saw Depeche Mode play at the Olympic Stadium, so if you're reading this Paul Weller, send me a recording of Kenny Wheeler's anal announcements because they must be absolutely superb.

You can listen again by clicking this following link and choosing the 'Alex Russon - Stoney Baloney' show. It's available till Friday DM radio show

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