To this end I was gathering various pieces of evidence ahead of an appointment with my solicitor and stumbled across the following Facebook exchange. Perhaps this will give you an insight into the abuse I've had to suffer since making the mistake of accepting Douglas's plea for me to take part in the winter league.
This picture shows us in happier times. Never again.
Keith Douglas Your
a Clown Russon!!!!!!
Alex Russon See you in court Douglas
Keith Douglas You will that!!!!!!!
Alex Russon You'll need a better brief than
you have a tailor you scruffbag
Keith Douglas Another insult!!!! Keep it
Alex Russon Well since you insist, your
feet stink.
Barry Mcgillivray Superb.havnt
laughed so much in ages
Keith Douglas Away and throw s""the
at yourself you p""ck
Keith Douglas All gone quite Russon! Not like
it back at you????
Alex Russon I thought you were addressing
Keith Douglas Don't have a problem with him!
Alex Russon Are you startin' like?
Keith Douglas I'll finish it!!!!!!
Alex Russon You reckon?You're hard as my
first sh#te and that was a skitter.
Keith Douglas You are just one big skitter!
Alex Russon One big skitter who can put a 3
wood 30 yards past your driver any day of the week.
Keith Douglas Aye and walk off with a double
bogey you tit! Can't pitch or put to save your sad life!
Alex Russon my A game comes in the summer,
don't waste it in the winter. You'll see Douglas.
Keith Douglas You'll be lucky if you see the
summer! Especially at SGC
Alex Russon Summer = my dazzling birdie
blitz time. Buy some sunglasses.
Keith Douglas Buy some lessons you idiot!
Alex Russon No need. Form is temporary,
class is permanent.
Keith Douglas Lol clown
Alex Russon taks een tae ken een min
Keith Douglas And stop speaking like that!
You plank
Alex Russon me a plank? if your brains were
dynamite you couldn't blow your hat off Douglas.
Keith Douglas Least I have a brain!
Alex Russon try using it then you gormless
Keith Douglas I will when I choose a real
partner next year!
Alex Russon some other mug to replace
flagsticks and listen to your guff all the way round, feel free
Keith Douglas You've put 3 flags in in 6
rounds and marked the card twice! Which I suppose is more than the total holes
you contribute per round you hacking muppet!!!!!
Alex Russon Up yours. I weigh in plenty.
Keith Douglas Yeah you need go on a diet you
fat f**k!!!!
Alex Russon You call me fat! You're
carrying more timber than the forestry commission you grotesque porker.
Keith Douglas Keep going Russon! You'll be
getting sent back to where you come from at this rate! And THEY DONT WANT YOU
EITHER! P"""k!!!!!!
Alex Russon Not before I've given you a
good hiding Douglas. Just been up the club and seen WL scores, we're trailing
in other folk's wake thanks to your ineptitude.
Keith Douglas Russon you've done
F""k all so far so shut your F""king face before I knock
you into next week! What a TIT!!!!
Alex Russon You appear to be overlooking my
barrage of birdies in round 3 while you were trying to work out which end of
the club to use.
Keith Douglas Lol! The only barrage you've
had is a barrage of abuse towards me! Closest you've been to a birdie was when
you almost hit a seagull floating in the North Sea!
Alex Russon At least I can make it past the
humps you donkey.
Keith Douglas Least I'm SCOTTISH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get it right UP YA!!!!! B
Alex Russon What's your nationality got to
do with the price of cheese? You could be Swahili for all I care but you still
couldn't make it past the humps.
Keith DouglasConstruction Think you'll
find I wasn't short of the humps you clown! As for you hitting 3 trains last
week! Your a joke min!!!!!!